The Four Temperaments of Personality

Everyone is different in this world. Some can be calm and collected, whereas some can be more of the aggressive type and they easily get mad when dealing with certain incidence. Temperament is the nature of how a person behaves or the emotions that they show. Basically a "personality" as people call it. As bad as it sounds, people can be categorized. There are mainly four types of temperaments: melancholic, phlegmatic, choleric, and sanguine.


Those with a melancholic personality are seen to be the reserved type of the four temperaments. Melancholics love spending their time being alone and prefer to be by themselves.  Spending time with other people will take most of their energy and will need time being alone to recharge. They are individuals who aim for perfection in their surroundings as well as wanting to make themselves perfect in every aspect. People who has a melancholic personality tends to not be confident with themselves and worries about how people would feel, think or say about them or what they do. This means that Melancholic people tries to make themselves perfect and making sure they get every detail of their work right before revealing it to the world, making them well organized. They are also very patient and creative. This makes them the best when it comes to art, since a beautiful art would take a long time to finish. Basically, Melancholics are Introverts. 


People with the phlegmatic temperament are usually the calm and easygoing type of people. You will notice that they are very carefree and will ignore people that are negative and toxic in their eyes. They don't get angry as easily as the other temperaments and are forgiving. They do not assume things and are positive when it comes to making decisions. However, they are usually quiet and shy when communicating with others but when they do speak, they will make their words clear for others. Phlegmatics are also introverts but more onto the positive side.


Cholerics are more of the extroverted type of the four temperaments. They are the leaders, and being a leader, an individual with choleric temperament are strong-willed, independent, confident, and good in making decisions. They are also active, competitive and quick thinkers, which is a good trait to have especially when it comes to having a successful business or even in sports. They are good planners and always have big goals in life. They are also full of ideas so when a business want an innovative and new product, they can bring in a Choleric person to do the job. The downside of a choleric person, however, is that they get annoyed easily and are impatient. Also, due to them being too confident, they are seen to be prideful and egoistic in the eyes of others.


The last temperament in the list is the Sanguine. Sanguine is another extrovert type of the four temperaments. They are the chatterbox and love to spend their time with other people as they are very social. They are very easygoing, outgoing and fun to be around with for most people. They are the ones who people consider as the bubbly type and they are the source of bringing life into the room just by their presence. They are an optimistic creature and great communicators. They may exaggerate at times. But deep down, even though Sanguine people are the most positive, they still need to be reassured. You can never know how a person actually feels behind that smile.

However, a person can also have two types of temperaments or a mixture of all the four temperaments on different areas. The most common temperament a person possess would be the Sanguine temperament as it can appear in both genders. 

The Four Temperaments of Personality